Monthly CPO Meeting



Minutes of December 6, 2023

Virtual Meeting on “Zoom”


Notice of meeting: The community was notified of the date, time, and location of the meeting via local social media, the CPO’s website and Clackamas County’s website. In addition, notice was sent by direct email to interested community members including those applicants whose applications were being considered for comment.

Chairperson, Martin Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm over the internet, via “Zoom”.

Attendance: Ten (10) people were present at the virtual meeting, including six board members.  Board members: Chair Martin Meyers, Vice-chair Lance Ward, Secretary Donna Hazel, Nancy Read, Bobbi Bryan, and Vicki Fabryka. Voting members in attendance were Jay Henke, Brainard Brauer and Chris Nolde.  Also at the meeting was Rick Cook from the Stafford Hamlet.

Minutes from the November 1, 2023 meeting were approved with votes of 6-0-2.  Nancy Read moved the minutes be approved, and Bobbi Bryan seconded the motion before the vote was taken

Land Use Applications received in November

Z0354-23: Renewal of temporary care dwelling, applicants Tarin and Shelby O’Brien.  Approved with conditions.

Z0442-23: Renewal application for home occupation for Tri-State Shotblasting.  Applicants: James & Shelly Knable.

Z0413-23: Application from Carver-Logan CPO area.  Proposal for replacement dwelling.  Applicants John Paul & Rebecca 


Z0375-23: Renewal application for home occupation for existing automobile repair/sales.  Applicant Darren Smith.

Z0400-23: Application for partition 3.81 RA1 zone property into 2 parcels.  Applicant Sergiy Volosevych.

Z04521-23: Application for renewal of temporary care dwelling. Applicants Michael & Phyllis Dowery

Unfinished Business

Four (4) CPO Board member positions were open as of October 2023, but the voting was delayed until the opening could be publicized in a timely manner.  The Board position terms are two years, October 2023 – October 2025. Marie Naughton has served on the Board for 14 years! and has declined to be reinstated.  Jay Henke was nominated by Martin Meyers. Martin moved to elect Jay and the motion was seconded by Nancy Read for the two-year position.  Jay was elected 7-0-1.  Lance Ward was nominated. Martin Meyers moved to elect Lance as Vice-Chairperson, the motion was seconded by Vicki Fabryka, and Lance was elected 8-0-0.  Bobbi Bryan was nominated. Martin Meyers moved to elect Bobbi, Nancy Read seconded the motion, and Bobbi was elected 7-0-0.  Donna Hazel was nominated for Secretary.  Jay Henke moved to elect Donna, Bobbi Bryan seconded the motion, and Donna was elected 8-0-0.


Martin Meyers gave a report regarding the C4.  Martin will not continue to represent the CPOs after January when his term expires and a new representative will need to be nominated.

New Business

We have learned that the Holcomb CPO has now become inactive.  We have known for some time that this CPO has not had community support.  We discussed being involved in the Holcomb CPO in a similar manner to the steps we have taken to be involved with the Carver/Logan and Estacada inactive CPOs.  Because the Holcomb area is being developed as a larger residential area that could affect traffic on Redland Road, our CPO residents will also be impacted. Lance takes on the responsibilities of receiving and reviewing the Land Use Applications for our CPO, Carver, and parts of Estacada.  He has expressed a willingness to review Land Use Applications from the Holcomb area.  With a motion from Martin Meyers and a second from Vicki Fabryka, we voted 8-0-0 to have Martin contact Clackamas County and see what steps can be taken to also receive Holcomb Land Use Applications. The ideas expressed were that this could be an opportunity for the residents of Holcomb to have a voice and be represented, we could be informed on the changes being made, and we would have the option to comment to the County.

After a brief discussion about lack of adequate lighting at the intersection of Redland Road and Fischers Mill Road, Brainard Brauer says that he can have PGE install a street light on his property. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Hazel, secretary

Wednesday, December 6, 2023 - 3:31pm