Bylaws of the
Redland-Viola-Fischers Mill CPO
Section 1. NAME. The name of the organization shall be the Redland-Viola-Fischers Mill Community Planning Organization (hereinafter, the “CPO”). This shall be a non-profit organization. There will be no dues.
Section 1. BOUNDARIES. The boundaries of the CPO shall be the same as those established by Clackamas County.
Section 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of the CPO is to serve the residents within the boundaries of the CPO in matters concerning community development, land use and community issues in general.
Section 2. GOALS. The goals of the CPO are as follows:
1. To bring together Area Residents who share a common concern for the Redland-Viola-Fishers Mill Community’s interest and environment.
2. To inform Area Residents in the community through public meeting on proposed developments or changes in land use known to it that could or would affect the area.
3. To assist Area Residents in understanding current land use law as it pertains to zoning, conditional use permits, agricultural, and/or industrial.
4. To provide the community with a method for establishing an organized two-way communications channel with Clackamas County agencies and local and regional organizations.
5. Work to protect the character and the livability of the area by working to sustain a safe, healthful and pleasant quality of life with respect to land use, zoning, parks, water resources, open space and recreation, annexation, housing, community facilities, transportation and traffic, community services and other factors affecting the area within the boundaries of the CPO.
6. Be responsive to the comprehensive needs of the area and to take action as may be necessary in support of the purposes and goals set forth herein.
Section 1. MEMBERSHIP. Membership in the CPO shall be open to anyone 18 years of age or older who is a resident of the recognized area, a property owner within the recognized area, or a designated representative of a business, corporation or trust within the recognized CPO area (herein, the “Area Residents”). Membership shall not be limited by race, creed, color, sex, age, heritage, national origin or income.
Section 2. VOTING. To vote in any election or on any item, a member must:
1. Comply with the membership qualifications;
2. Be of legal voting age;
3. Have registered at one CPO public meeting during the past 12 months.
Action by the CPO shall be by a majority vote of the qualified membership present at any regular or special public meeting with proper notice as required by ORS 192.640. The vote shall be verified by the Chairperson. The results of the voting shall be reported as required by ORS 192.650(1)(c).
Section 1. OFFICERS. The officers of the CPO shall include Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary/Treasurer. Officers represent the CPO. The duties of each officer are as follows:
1. Chairperson: The Chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the CPO and shall co-sign for all authorized expenditures, appoint committee heads and have the responsibility of the performance of such duties as prescribed in these bylaws. The Chairperson shall act as an ex-officio member of all committees.
2. Vice Chairperson: The Vice Chairperson shall aid the Chairperson and perform the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence or disability. The Vice Chairperson may also co-sign for authorized expenditures in the event the Chairperson or Treasurer is absent.
3. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, minutes and attendance records of all membership and committee meetings. The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, a file of all official correspondence and records available. The Secretary shall be responsible to maintain the membership registry required by these bylaws. The minutes shall be made available to any member of the public as required by the Oregon Public Records and Meetings Law. The Secretary may also have the responsibilities of treasurer.
4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep, or cause to be kept, a record of all income and expenses of the CPO and co-sign authorized expenditures. The Treasurer may maintain a bank account, if applicable, and present a statement of account at every meeting. The Treasurer's records shall be made available to any member or the public as required by the Oregon Public Records Law.
Section 2. BOARD MEMBERS. The Board shall consist of up to a total of seven: three officers and up to four board members elected at large. The Board shall act on behalf of the CPO.
Section 3. SELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS. Board members shall be selected by election. Election shall be by a majority of voting members present. Proxy votes shall not be allowed.
1. The Chairperson and up to two board members shall be elected at the October meeting in even-numbered years.
2. The Vice-Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer, and up to two board members shall be elected at the October meeting in odd-numbered years.
3. Members shall assume their duties immediately upon election to office.
4. All members are eligible for election to officer positions.
Section 4. TERM OF OFFICE. The terms of office for all officers and board members shall be two years. Officers may continue to serve until a successor is elected or appointed to that office.
Section 5. NOMINATIONS. Nominations may be made by any voting member. Nominations may be made from the floor.
Section 6. VACANCIES. A vacancy occurs when an officer dies, resigns, is removed or has more than two unexcused absences from meetings. A vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Chairperson. The person appointed to fill the vacancy shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term and until a successor is elected or appointed to that office.
Section 1. MEETINGS. Meetings of the CPO shall be held in accordance with the Oregon Public Meetings Laws. Meetings shall be held no less than twice per year, with the annual meeting being held every October for the purpose of electing officers and such other business as deemed necessary.
Section 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. The Chairperson may call special meetings at any time and upon the request of two (2) of the officers or any five (5) voting members of the CPO. The time and location shall be determined by the CPO.
Section 3: NOTICE. Notice of all meetings shall be provided as required by ORS 192.640 of the Oregon Public Meetings Law.
Section 4. QUORUM. A quorum consists of five voting members of the CPO, of which at least two are officers. A quorum shall be present at a meeting in order for the CPO to transact business.
Section 1. HEARING PROCESS AND PROCEDURE. The Chairperson shall preside over all meetings and, at his or her discretion, be guided by the principles of parliamentary rules of procedures including Roberts Rules of Order. Procedural decisions by the Chairperson can be overruled by a majority of the board. The CPO may establish a more detailed hearing procedure to provide for an orderly process for holding a public hearing. All meetings shall comply with the Oregon Public Meetings Law.
Section 1. COMMITTEES. The CPO may create committees as required to promote the purposes and objectives of the CPO. A chairperson for each committee shall be selected by the CPO Chairperson.
Section 1. DISSOLUTION. The CPO shall be considered inactive if it fails to meet the requirements of these bylaws. Should the CPO be dissolved, disbursement of the CPO's funds, if any, shall be to a non-profit organization, preferably within the CPO area. This organization shall be selected by the CPO membership in attendance at the final meeting.
Section 1. AMENDMENTS. These bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the eligible voting members. No amendment can be voted upon unless said proposed amendment was presented at the previous general meeting. The amended bylaws shall supersede all previous bylaws and become the governing rules for the CPO.