Our monthly meeting via ZOOM.  Everyone in our community is invited to attend.

Chair is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Redland-Viola-Fischers Mill CPO meeting, June 7, 2023 

Time: Jun 7, 2023 07:15 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


       GENERAL MEETING AGENDA for Redland-Viola-Fischer’s Mill CPO

Date:                                                      Wednesday,  June 7, 2023

Time:                                                      7:15 p.m.

Place:                                                   Virtual, through Zoom App.

       Protocol:   1.  Mute your phone.

                           2.  Ask permission to speak with the “raise hand” feature.

  1. Call to Order.
  2. Consideration of, and adoption of, minutes from our last meeting
  3. Notices from Clackamas County-Zoning application notices,
    1. To be announced
    2. Proposed amendments to the TDO
    3. Follow up on status of previously considered, pending applications.
  1. Reports
    1. C4 Retreat, homelessness, I 205 tolling
  1. Updates:
    1. CPO Website and Facebook updates, Training
    2. Ideas for future meetings
  1. Unfinished Business
  2. Other New Business/Announcements


Minutes of April 5, 2023

Virtual Meeting on “Zoom”


Notice of meeting: The community was notified of the date, time, and location of the meeting via local social media and Clackamas County’s website. In addition, notice was sent by direct email to interested community members including those applicants whose applications were being considered for comment.


Chair Martin Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm over the internet, via “Zoom”.


Attendance: A total of 8 people were present at the virtual meeting, including 5 board members. Board members: Chair Martin Meyers, Vice-chair Lance Ward, Bobbi Bryan, Vicki Fabryka, Marie Naughton, and Nancy Read. Secretary Donna Hazel absent (excused). Eligible voting members present were Brainard Brauer and Dee Ross.


Our first order of business was to approve the minutes of the previous meeting of March 1, 2023.  The minutes were approved by 5-1-0.


Land Use Applications


Z0045-23: Renewal temporary dwelling for care on 18352 S Springwater Rd. Doctor’s note in file. Applicant: Jona Sharpe. No discussion.


Z0081-23-HO: Home occupation application for an engraving business on 17856 S Edgewood Ln, Oregon City (inactive Carver-Logan CPO area). Applicant: Michael Hagan. No discussion.




Martin expressed concerns about I-205 tolling issues, especially diversion. ODOT has issued final plans for the tolling and input from organizations and individuals will be accepted until April 21st. Discussed major questions and concerns: Will diversion be properly mitigated to ODOT satisfaction per the Environmental Assessment? Are they going to do any local traffic studies before and after tolling begins?


New Business


Marie made a motion that the CPO share these concerns in a letter to both the County and to ODOT. Brainard seconded. Discussed what the letter should focus on (diversion, mitigation, funding) and specifically recommend (County consult its own experts to adequately address local commuter traffic). The CPO’s letter should focus in on our specific roads (Redland, Springwater, etc.). Martin will draft the response after attending the next C4 meeting, which will also discuss the tolling. Marie will assist. Motion passed 8-0-0.



With no further business to be presented at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Marie Naughton

Wednesday, June 7, 2023 - 7:15pm to 9:00pm

May 2023 Applications

Permit No.; Z0051-23-E

Date;  5/31/2023

Proposal: Applicant request change in setbacks qnd alterations to change existing garage to guest house.

Applicant: Linda Raab

Address: 19219 S Neil Rd, Estacada Or. (near Mattoon rd)

ZDO sections 202, 316, 1206 and 1307

Section 200: General Definitions, 202 Definitions

Section 300: Urban and Rural Residential District, 316 Rural Area Residential, etc.

Section 1200: Criteria for Discretionary Permits, 1206 Nonconforming Uses and Vested Rights

Section 1300: Administrative Active Review Process, 1307 Procedure