Redland-Viola-Fischer’s Mill CPO

Date:                                                            Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Time:                                                                           7:15 p.m.

Place:                                                         Virtual, through Zoom App.

        Protocol:   1.  Mute your phone.

                            2.  Ask permission to speak with the “raise hand” feature.

  1. Call to Order.
  2. Consideration of, and adoption of, minutes from our last meeting
  3. Notices from Clackamas County-Zoning application notices,
    1. To be announced.
    2. Follow up on status of applications already considered.
  1. Reports
  2. Updates:
    1. CPO Website and Facebook updates
    2. Update on I 205 Tolling
    3. Update on CPO Summit work and matters before it, CCI
    4. Update on covering applications in adjacent inactive CPO areas
  1. Unfinished Business
  2. Other New Business/Announcements




Minutes of May 4, 2022

Virtual Meeting on “Zoom”

Chair Martin Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:20 pm over the internet, via “Zoom”.

Attendance: A total of 8 people were present at the virtual meeting, including 6 board members.  Board members: Chair Martin Meyers, Vice-chair Lance Ward, Secretary Donna Hazel, Bobbi Bryan, Lois Read, and Nancy Read. Eligible voting members present were Chris Nolde and Bob Blount.

Website Update:

Bob Blount reported on our CPO website progress.  Bob volunteered to construct our website but has been out of town a great deal. He has been in contact with Word Press, a company that we’ve planned to use to create the website so that we could manage it ourselves.  Per Bob, Word Press will actually create the website for us.  Donna and Larry Hazel will be donating the funds for establishing the project for the CPO.

The minutes of the April 6, 2022 meeting were presented and approved by votes 6-0-1.

Land Use Applications

Z0113-22-E          Was approved by the County.  Adds campsites to McIver State Park

Z0136-22              Was approved by the County.  Renewal for temporary dwelling for care.

Z0190-22              Application from the Carver area regarding a trail from private residence to Clear Creek.  We are requesting more clarification for “water dependency”.  Martin will contact the property owners.


Lance reported on the “Temporary Dwellings for Care” and ADU requirements in unincorporated areas.

Christine Nolde inquired about the proposed RV park on Harding Road.  Question of expiration date on the application.

Face Book membership requests:  Bobbi, who created our FB page, will submit questions for the Board to consider.

Martin reported on the C4 (Clackamas County Coordinating Committee).  The C4 is comprised of approximately 25 people including County commissioners and city mayors.  C4 is currently discussing the following issues: Homelessness, issues, housing, and mental health.

Martin also reported on the CPO Summit.  The CCI now has 5 CPOs on membership, allowing the CPOs to have more of a voice.

With no further business to be presented at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:23 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Hazel, secretary

Wednesday, May 4, 2022 - 7:15pm