Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 7:15pm



Minutes of March 1, 2023

Virtual Meeting on “Zoom”


Notice of meeting: The community was notified of the date, time, and location of the meeting via local social media and Clackamas County’s website. In addition, notice was sent by direct email to interested community members including those applicants whose applications were being considered for comment.

Chair Martin Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm over the internet, via “Zoom”.

Attendance: A total of 12 people were present at the virtual meeting, including 5 board members.  Board members: Chair Martin Meyers, Vice-chair Lance Ward, Secretary Donna Hazel, Vicki Fabryka, and Nancy Read. Eligible voting members present were Doug and Linda Towsley, Christine Nolte, Jay Henke, Doug and Linda Brown, and Lois Read. 

Our first order of business was to approve the minutes of the previous meeting of February 1, 2023.  The minutes were approved by 9-0-2.

Land Use Applications

Z0575-22: Application, moving or demolition of historic land mark home.  Applicant: Preston and Aimee Roth

Z0001-22:  Application to replace an existing home is approved with conditions.  Applicant: Nic Tjaden.


Lance reported on addressing applications for inactive CPOs that border our own CPO. For many months we’ve discussed taking on a portion of the Carver CPO – south of the Clackamas River – and a portion of rural Estacada so that residents in those areas could have representation. In a motion that passed in February, we approved assisting the entire Carver CPO area. In looking at the updated Clackamas County CPO maps, it appears  that the northern part of the Carver CPO is bordered by Damascus CPO, not Eagle Creek CPO.  Martin could have a conversation with Damascus on applications which may be submitted for that area.

Previously, we were informed that Eagle Creek has offered to take on land use applications for Estacada CPO.  Our CPO did not move to take on the Estacada CPO, but we would like to be informed of applications for that area.  Doug Towsley has put together some options regarding helping Estacada rural areas.  His plan is to educate the residents about CPOs and how CPOs can assist the community.  Doug will send his list of options to Martin and Donna to review.

Martin Meyer noted that we had submitted a letter to Metro objecting to the UGB (Urban Growth Boundaries) designation swap, their Option #3.  This option would impact Redland Road traffic and would greatly complicate our major evacuation route in times of emergencies.  Metro has chosen to approve Option #3 in spite of our serious objections.

Martin Meyer updated us on the C4.  Martin is the CPO representative on the C4.  C4 continues to discuss ODOT’s plans for I205 tolling.  ODOT has issued final plans for the tolling although input from organizations and individuals will be accepted into April. Matters of importance to be discussed further with Metro:  will tolls be perpetual to maintain road and widen bridges or will there be a cut-off time; and a definition of mitigation of diversion traffic.

Lance Ward attended the CPO Summit in Martin’s place.  His report included difficulties other CPOs are having accessing the CPO page (current agendas and minutes) on the Clackamas County website.  There are several steps (not logical paths) to reach the page which hasn’t been updated on a regular basis.  In November 2022, all CPOs were mandated to update their records for the County for the prior two years in an effort to provide current information.  Our CPO has provided these past agendas and minutes to the County on three occasions in the past year.  At last viewing, our CPO i

New Business

We received information from Karen Buehrig, Clackamas County, regarding road projects in our area.  Project SW8 is the upcoming project to add turn lanes on Redland Road between Bradley Road and Ferguson Road.  We were informed previously that this project will begin April 2023.

Additional projects shown on the 20-year plan map (not funded yet):

2042 Redland Road: Redland Rd/Fischers Mill Rd/Henrici Rd intersection.  Install eastbound left-turn, eastbound right-turn and westbound right-turn lanes at Henrici Rd.

3142 Redland Road: Henrici Rd to Oregon City limit. Add paved shoulders and bikeway in accordance with the Active Transportation Plan.

3143; Redland Road. Henrici Road to Springwater Road: Add paved shoulders and turn lanes at major intersections.

For the section between Mattoon Road and Jubb road, see the Active Transportation Plan

Update on the CPO website, final stages of construction, going “live” in March 2023.

With no further business to be presented at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:41 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Hazel, secretary