Minutes of November 2, 2022
Virtual Meeting on “Zoom”
Notice of meeting: The community was notified of the date, time, and location of the meeting via local social media and Clackamas County’s website. In addition, notice was sent by direct email to interested community members including those applicants whose application were being considered for comment.
Chair Martin Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm over the internet, via “Zoom”.
Attendance: A total of 9 people were present at the virtual meeting, including 6 board members. Board members: Chair Martin Meyers, Vice-chair Lance Ward, Secretary Donna Hazel, Lois Read, Nancy Read, and Marie Naughton. Eligible voting members present were Vicki Fabryka and April McGinnis. Jenny Albers was also present.
Our first order of business was to discuss the potential for a new intersection to Redland Road to accommodate the new Park Place subdivision outside Oregon City. Much was said about the impact an intersection to Redland Road would have on local citizens including the Holcomb CPO and our CPO community. We are in opposition to the proposed road and the UGB swap by Metro. We are in agreement with the letter written on the County Board of Commission to Metro.
A motion was made by April McGinnis and seconded by Marie Naughton to submit a letter to Metro by November 8, 2022 expressing our views. In this motion, a subcommittee of Martin Meyers, Marie Naughton, April McGinnis, and Donna Hazel is given the authority to write the letter. The motion passed 8-0-0.
The motion to approve the minutes from the October 5, 2022 meeting as amended was made by Martin Meyers and seconded by April McGinnis. The motion was approved by 6-0-0.
The motion to approve the minutes from the October 22, 2022 special CPO meeting was made by Lance Ward and seconded by Marie Naughton. The motion was approved by 6-0-0
Land Use Applications
Z0020-22. Approved with conditions, to divide property to 2 legal parcels, Applicants, Scott and Jodi Bever.
Z0438-22. Application with conditions, to replace a manufactured home. Applicant: Joshua Steward.
Martin Meyer updated us on the CCI. The CCI is becoming very active with the influence of the local CPO chair people.
Regarding the inactive CPO boundaries, Commissioner Mark Shull would like to meet with us to discuss the areas to be included.
It was suggested that the meeting notifications on the Facebook page for the Redland Community post the Zoom invitation and the meeting agenda. These notifications also appear on the CPO Facebook page.
The CPO website is in the final stages of design and most board members have received training on administering the website.
New Business
Procedures for motions: we will attempt to discuss topics for motions, then present the idea in a draft mode, then make the actual motion. We could use the meeting “chat” to display the motion in writing or use the “white board” on Zoom.
Per our By-laws, elections for three CPO Board positions are scheduled for October of each year, but this year we delayed the election one month as two Board members were absent. Board members whose two-year terms expired are Martin Meyers, Nancy Read, and Lois Read. Lois declined to remain on the board and nominated Vicki Fabryka, Martin Meyers, and Nancy Read. Marie seconded the nominations for the 2022-2024 terms, and the motion passed 8-0-0.
With no further business to be presented at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Hazel, secretary