Minutes of August 3, 2022
Virtual Meeting on “Zoom”
Chair Martin Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:20 pm over the internet, via “Zoom”.
Attendance: A total of 10 people were present at the virtual meeting, including 5 board members. Board members: Chair Martin Meyers, Vice-chair Lance Ward, Secretary Donna Hazel, Bobbi Bryan, and Nancy Read. Eligible voting members present were Vicki Fabryka, Brainard Brauer, and Jay Henke.
Presentation from Bob Knorr and Ellen Rogalin, Clackamas County Transportation Department.
The presentation was concerning the upcoming turn lanes to be installed at Bradley Road and Ferguson Road. The project has been in design since December 2020 with construction projected for May 2023. Due to design changes, the construction will now begin summer of 2023 to be completed by winter of 2023. The design changes were a result of input from our CPO to the Transportation Department. “Right of Way” phase begins July 2022 and continues through May 2023. Construction will not shut down Redland Road, and the County will work to minimize impacts to adjacent properties. Funding for the turn lane project is from the Oregon State gas tax, County Road fund, County revenue, and from monies generated by the $30 year per vehicle registration fee.
There will be a discussion with the County Transportation Department at a later date on design projections in 2024-2027 for Redland Road/Fischers Mill Road.
The minutes from the July 6, 2022 were approved as amended by vote of 6-0-1. The motion to approve was made by Bobbi Bryan and seconded by Lance Ward.
Land Use Applications
Z-0306-22 Proposal: to seek variance of 30 ft setback to be reduced to 15 ft on Bateson Lane to accommodate a 30’X30’ detached accessory structure. Applicant: Julie Volpel, 21750 S Bateson Lane, Estacada, OR.
Face Book membership requests: Bobbi, who created our FB page, submitted questions for the CPO to consider. The people asking to become members would need to provide their address to verify that their residence or business is within the boundaries of the CPO.
Informal discussion was held on “short term rentals” as currently being addressed by the County and the potential impact on our area.
CPO Website: We have a web designer who is taking on our project as of August 3, 2022. We look forward to progress being made this time.
Martin Meyers gave a report on the C4 meeting. ODOT has proposed changes to the I205 plan, and has also extended the deadline from August 1, 2022 to September 15, 2022 for the public to respond to plans to toll vehicles. C4 has a Diversion Committee that will study the impact on diversion routes which people will likely take to avoid paying tolls. ODOT has been requested to report to C4’s Diversion Committee.
With no further business to be presented at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Hazel, secretary