Wednesday, February 2, 2022 - 7:15pm

                                                                      REDLAND-VIOLA-FISCHERS MILL

                                                      COMMUNITY PLANNING ORGANIZATION (CPO)

                                                                     Minutes of February 2, 2022

                                                                        Virtual Meeting on “Zoom”

Chair Martin Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:18 pm over the internet, via “Zoom”.

Attendance: A total of 10 people were present at the virtual meeting, including all 7 board members.  Board members: Chair Martin Meyers, Vice-chair Lance Ward, Secretary Donna Hazel, Marie Naughton, Bobbi Bryan, Lois Read, and Nancy Read. Eligible voting members present were Vicki Fabryka, Doug Brown, and Bob Blount. 

Website Update

We have not received any communication from our original website designer since November 2021.  We have repeatedly requested a pass word to update and to reconfigure the website so that it can be introduced to our community and be updated as needed.  Bob Blount will be our new website designer.  Bob proposes that we attempt again to get a response from Wolfpk.  If we don’t get the domain name, we will alter the name, submit it, and Bob will rebuild the website for us.  

Land Use Applications

Z0480-21 Approved by the County with condition.  Proposal to partition EFU 38.23 acres into 2 legal lots

Z0484-21 Approved by the County with conditions. Proposal to partition RA1 Zone from a 2-acre property  Into 1 acre lots each.

Z0545-21-C Proposal, place photovoltaic solar on ten acres. Notice of hearing February 3, 2022 at 9:30 am by Zoom

We have offered to assist portions of two inactive CPOs for the residents in those areas.  We have not officially received any applications from the County, but we will request that they be forwarded to us.



Martin reported on the C4 (Clackamas County Coordinating Committee).  The C4 is comprised of approximately 25 people including County commissioners and city mayors.  One position which Martin has held for the past two years is the representative of unincorporated districts.  In addition to being the representative, Martin is also on the Board and takes a very active role in the C4 meetings.  As a vote of confidence for his continued efforts in this role, our CPO supports the continuation of his representation for another two-year term.  With a motion by Lance Ward, and a second by Lois Read, we voted 9-0-1 for Martin Meyers to be the representative of the unincorporated districts with Marge Stewart as the alternate.  Donna will send a letter to Katie Wilson informing her of our action.

Martin reported on the issue of tolling on the I-205 bridge as proposed by ODOT.  From all opinions expressed about the tolling, it seems that no one is in favor of tolling and most are concerned about the impact traffic will have on secondary routes to avoid the bridge.  Monies will be needed to widen portions of I-205 from two lanes in each direction to three lanes. ODOT remains firm in their plan to fund the lane widening through tolling.  Approximately only $700 million will be forthcoming from the Federal Government to help fund highway projects in Oregon.

Our CPO minutes for all of 2021 have again been emailed to the County as they have not been posted on the County’s website since September 2020. 

With no further business to be presented at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Hazel, secretary