Redland-Viola-Fischer’s Mill CPO
Date: Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Time: 7:15 p.m.
Place: Virtual, through Zoom App.
Protocol: 1. Mute your phone. 2. Ask permission to speak with the “raise hand” feature.
1. Call to Order.
2. Consideration of, and adoption of, minutes from our last meeting
3. Notices from Clackamas County-Zoning application notices,
a. ZO 545-21 Bradley Solar
b. ZPAC0156-21 Deloss
c. Others as may be announced.
4. Reports
5. Updates:
a. CPO Website and Facebook updates
6. Unfinished Business
a. Discussion of Measure 49 applications, standards
7. Other New Business/Announcements
a. Ideas for future topics and speakers