Wednesday, December 1, 2021 - 7:15pm



Minutes of December 1, 2021

Virtual Meeting on “Zoom”

Chair Martin Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm over the internet, via “Zoom”.

Attendance: A total of 8 people were present at the virtual meeting, including 6 board members.  Board members: Chair Martin Meyers, Vice-chair Lance Ward, Secretary Donna Hazel, Marie Naughton Lois Read, and Nancy Read. Eligible voting members present were Vicki Fabryka, and Brainard Brauer.  

Minutes of the November 5, 2021 meeting were approved with 7-0-1 votes.  The motion to approve was made by Martin Meyers and seconded by Nancy Read.


Nancy Read and Lois Read attended the virtual town hall meeting on the proposed I-205 tolling. 

Land Use Applications

Z0480-21.  Proposal to partition-EFU 38.23 acres into 2 legal lots per Measure 49

Z0484-21.  Proposal to partition RA1 Zone, 2 lot partition for a 2 acre property within unincorporated community of Redland.  Currently has one house and one barn.  No objections were expressed for this partition.

Upon review of Z0480-21, we realized that none of us were well enough informed on Measure 49 (ORS 195.300-336) to respond to the request.  Lance Ward will contact the County for a more detailed explanation of Measure 49 and how it will apply for our consideration.

A discussion was held on whether we should invite all applicants to appear at a CPO meeting regarding their applications. On many zoning applications, no response has been filed and/or the applications are routine with no action taken at our meetings.  The consensus of opinions expressed was that we will consider each application as we receive it from the County prior to our next meeting.  If the Board deems that the permit application warrants more explanation or could be controversial in nature, then we could invite the applicant to the meeting.  If response time from the CPO is critical, then our chairperson could call for a special meeting with a quorum of Board members in attendance.  The Board would like to avoid putting undue stress on applicants on routine permits filed.

CPO Boundaries :  Clackamas County has asked the Redland-Viola-Fischers Mill CPO to discuss assisting inactive CPOs that presently adjoin our geographical boundaries.  The Carver and rural Estacada CPOs are in need of representation to address 

zoning applications in particular.  Although we can’t expand our boundaries, we could work on an interim basis with the areas shown on the maps submitted by both Martin Meyers and Lance Ward.  Martin moved we present our map to the County for consideration.  Lois seconded the motion and it was approved 8-0-0.

Updates were given on the elementary traffic issue and the CPO Facebook page.

With no further business to be presented at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:57 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Hazel, secretary