Wednesday, December 1, 2021 - 7:15pm


Redland-Viola-Fischer’s Mill CPO

Date:         Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Time:         7:15 p.m.

Place:        Virtual, through Zoom App.

                    Protocol:          1.  Mute your phone.

                                                2.  Ask permission to speak with the “raise hand” feature.

  1. Call to Order.
  2. Consideration of, and adoption of, minutes from our last meeting
  3. Notices from Clackamas County-Zoning application notices
    1. To be announced.
    2. Discussion regarding zoning applications for which no response has been filed and a quorum does not exist in favor of considering it: do we save applicants having to appear at a meeting unnecessarily, or simply notice and hear all applications. Also, how to share among board members the responsibilities of working with neighbors and applicants.
  4. Reports
  5. Updates:
    1. CPO Website and Facebook updates
    2. Follow up on Redland traffic buildup and congestion during pick up and drop off times for Redland Elementary School.  Discuss placing a post to the local FB page. 
  6. Unfinished Business
    1. Should the CPO place itself as the CPO contact in zoning applications pending in adjacent areas currently without a functioning CPO.  See attached maps referencing proposed areas for the CPO to cover. 

7. Other New Business/Announcements