Minutes of July 6, 2022
Virtual Meeting on “Zoom”
Chair Martin Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm over the internet, via “Zoom”.
Attendance: A total of 7 people were present at the virtual meeting, including 5 board members. Board members: Chair Martin Meyers, Vice-chair Lance Ward, Secretary Donna Hazel, Bobbi Bryan, and Nancy Read. Eligible voting members present were April McGinnis and Vicki Fabryka.
The minutes from the June 1, 2022 were approved as amended by vote of 5-0-2.
Land Use Applications
Z0219-22 Approved by the County. Temporary land use permit to use RV for living space for workers not to exceed one year term. 19283 S Mattoon Rd, Estacada, OR. Applicant: Rick Canfield
Z0251-22 A new application on an existing application – Z0431-09- STC 37-foot recreational vehicle will replace previous dwelling. 16161 E
Eaden Rd, applicant; Jerry Barello
Z0217-22 Approved by the County. (Estacada CPO) Renewal of temporary dwelling for care. 30812 SE Willow Grace Ln, Estacada, OR. Applicant: Christian Veliquette
Face Book membership requests: Bobbi, who created our FB page, will submit questions for the Board and members Vicki Fabryka and April McGinnis to consider.
CPO Website: Another website design company has been contacted. Waiting for quotation.
A Community Leaders Meeting was held June 21, 2022. Both Martin and Lance attended along with attendees from the following CPOs: Barton, Beavercreek, Sherwood, and Molalla.
Martin has been in communication with the County regarding evacuation routes and notifications in advance of emergencies such as wildfires. In particular, Martin has continued to express our community’s concerns for County plans and preparation to avoid traffic congestion during evacuations.
Our CPO has volunteered to assist residents in some adjoining CPOs that are inactive. Working out the boundaries with the new County maps has been confusing, and the matter for our CPO has been tabled for now.
We addressed a letter from a resident on Grasle Road concerning short term rentals in that area. The County is in the process of withdrawing a position for short term rentals, so until the matter is brought up again, our CPO will also table this discussion and take no action.
With no further business to be presented at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Hazel, secretary