Wednesday, November 6, 2024 - 7:15pm



Minutes of October 2, 2024

Virtual Meeting on “Zoom”

Notice of meeting: The community was notified of the date, time, and location of the meeting via local social media, the CPO’s website and Clackamas County’s website. In addition, notice was sent by direct email to interested community members including those applicants whose applications were being considered for comment.

Vice chairperson, Lance Ward called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm over the internet, via “Zoom”.

Attendance: Eight (8) people were present at the virtual meeting, including six board members.  Board members: Vice-chair Lance Ward, Secretary Donna Hazel, Vicki Fabryka, Jay Henke, Bobbi Bryan, and Nancy Read.  Voting members also in attendance: Lois Read and Chris Nolde.

A motion to approve the minutes of September 4, 2024 was made by Jay Henke and seconded by Nancy Read.  The motion passed 8-0-0.

In accordance with the CPO By-Laws, elections for CPO Board positions are held in October. In even numbered years, the Chairperson and up to two Board positions are elected for two-year terms.  In odd numbered years, the Vice chairperson and up to two Board positions are elected for two-year terms.  Our Board consists of seven: three officers and up to four Board members at large. 

Nancy Read nominated Lance Ward to Board Chairperson. The nomination was seconded by Jay Henke.  Lance was elected by a vote of 7-0-1.  His term begins immediately and his term ends in October 2026.

Nancy Read nominated Jay Henke to fill Lance’s former position of Vice Chairperson.  Lois Read seconded the nomination, and Jay was elected by a vote of 8-0-0.  Jay’s term begins immediately and ends in October 2025.

Donna Hazel nominated Chris Nolde to serve the remaining term of Jay Henke’s at large Board position.  Lois Read seconded the nomination, and Chris was elected by a vote of 7-0-1.  Chris’ term begins immediately and ends in October 2025.

Lois Read nominated Jake Cooley for at large Board position, and Donna Hazel seconded the nomination.  Jake Cooley was elected by a vote of 8-0-0.  Jake’s term begins immediately and ends in October 2026.

Board members Martin Meyers and Nancy Read have resigned officially from the CPO Board after many years of service to our community.  We thank them for their many volunteer hours and commitment to our CPO.  Martin Meyers has also been involved on several committees with Clackamas County to make the voices and concerns of all County CPOs known. His efforts to prevent the tolling of the I205 bridge are to be commended.

Land Use Applications

Z0279-23 (inactive Holcomb CPO): Notice of public hearing on October 10, 2024 at 930 am.  An appeal of  a denial of a non-conforming use request for a boat, truck, and RV storage. Applicant, Jim Garvison.  Owner, Guoying He at 17106 S. Holly Lane, Oregon City.

Z0332-24: Approved with conditions.  Proposal to renew temporary dwelling for care.  Applicant: Cody Ross at 22355 D Eaden Rd.  Note, doctor’s note provided.

Z0303-24 Proposal: replacement of three existing culverts on the access road, relocation of an existing fence within the RSCA setback, installation of a backup power generator, replacement of existing gravel road, and construction of new animal pens (Stream Conservation Area Review).  Applicant, Kristin Soloman. Owner, Metro.  17255 S McCubbin Rd.

Z0339-24: Notice of hearing, October 24, 2024 at 9:30 am.  The public hearing will use the Zoom platform.  One week prior to the hearing, a Zoom link to the public hearing and details on our website:  Proposal: Verizon Wireless proposes to install antennas and associated equipment on a new 195’ tall self-supported tower. Equipment cabinets and a generator will be placed at grade, surrounded by a chain link fence.  Applicant, Vertical Bridge, Brandon Clower.  Property owner, Lucas Hanna Irrevocable Trust, 18133 S Steiner Rd, Beavercreek.

Unfinished Business:  Bobbi Bryan gave a report on the “emergency preparedness” meeting scheduled for November 7th at the Redland Grange.  Jay Henke will donate Clear Creek Communication assistance for setting up the chairs for the meeting and providing refreshments.  The Redland Grange will provide a podium and microphone for our speakers.  Notification of the meeting will be displayed on Facebook, Next Door, Chit Chat, and the CPO website.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Hazel

CPO Board Secretary