Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - 7:15pm



Minutes of April 3, 2024

Virtual Meeting on “Zoom”


Notice of meeting: The community was notified of the date, time, and location of the meeting via local social media, the CPO’s website and Clackamas County’s website. In addition, notice was sent by direct email to interested community members including those applicants whose applications were being considered for comment.

Chairperson, Martin Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:16 pm over the internet, via “Zoom”.

Attendance: Five (5) people were present at the virtual meeting, including four board members.  Board members: Chair Martin Meyers, Vice-chair Lance Ward, Secretary Donna Hazel, Jay Henke and Nancy Read.  Voting members in attendance were Jake Cooley and Lois Read.  Also in attendance was Karina Archibald of Tri-Met.


A motion to approve the minutes of March 6, 2024 was made by Nancy Read and seconded by Jay Henke.  The motion passed 5-0-0.

Land Use Applications

ZDO-285: Proposed Ordinance, Amendments and new housing options, responding to changes made by the Senate legislation and other agencies.  The proposed changes that are optional for the County and would affect our area are (1) Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in rural residential zones and (2) Recreational Vehicles (RVs) for residential use as second dwelling.

The ordinance brought up much discussion as definitions of RVs, in particular were lacking.  With the many concerns we have with these optional ordinances, Martin Meyer appointed a sub-committee to meet April 10, 2024 via Zoom to gather more information and report back to the CPO in a timely manner.

Z0081-24: proposal for replacement dwelling within a mapped landslide hazard area.   Applicant, Mike Debois.

Z0052-24: (inactive Holcomb CPO) Proposal for level two wireless telecommunication facility.  Applicant: Shanin Prusia, Property owner: Filberry Farm

Z0109-24: Proposal for Forest Template Test Dwelling to establish a new single-family dwelling. The dwelling is proposed to replace a previous home that no longer has the qualities of a dwelling.  Applicant: Jose Reyes. Property owner: Lincoln Loan Co.



Jake Cooley followed up on his previous information about “Resilience Hub”, a state-wide program that provides information and supplies for communities in emergency situations.  There is a grant potential for financing the program with a deadline of April 30, 2024.  Jake needs a group that can assist him in securing the grant.  It was suggested that the Redland Grange might be group that would be interested in helping Jake with this important project.

Donna Hazel gave a report on the March 25th CPO Summit meeting.

New Business

Karina Archibald from Tri-Met gave a presentation on updates to rural Clackamas County and reaching out to communities like ours.  She invited us to communicate with her at and 5003-962-2236.

A motion to adjourn our meeting was made by Donna Hazel and Seconded by Nancy Read.  Motion passes 7-0-0.


Respectfully submitted,

Donna Hazel

CPO Board Secretary




Minutes of April 17, 2024

Virtual Meeting on “Zoom”


Notice of meeting: The community was notified of the date, time, and location of the meeting via local social media, the CPO’s website and Clackamas County’s website. In addition, notice was sent by direct email to interested community members including those applicants whose applications were being considered for comment.


Chairperson, Martin Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:16 pm over the internet, via “Zoom”.

Attendance: Eight (8) people were present at the virtual meeting, including four board members.  Board members: Chair Martin Meyers, Vice-chair Lance Ward, Secretary Donna Hazel, and Nancy Read.  Voting members in attendance were Jake Cooley and Chris Nolde.  Also in attendance were Dale and Julie Reynolds.


This Special Meeting of the CPO was scheduled in response to ZDO-285 which was on our agenda for our April 3, 2024 monthly CPO meeting. On April 3, 2024,  Chairperson Martin Meyers appointed a sub-committee to gather more information on the proposed amendments.  Attending the sub-committee on April 10, 2024: Martin Meyers, Lance Ward, Donna Hazel, and Jay Henke.


The sub-committee was in agreement that the ZDO-285 lacked definition of RVs as proposed in the written document.  Our understanding at this time was that RVs would include campers and tent trailers.  For an RV to be acceptable as a dwelling, we felt it would necessitate a stationary pad, utilities, complete bathroom and kitchen facilities, solid exterior, and tie-down security as minimum requirements.  Martin asked us to draft a letter to the County that would list our concerns regarding ADUs and RVs.



ZDO-285: Notice of Land Use Public Hearing: Amendments and new housing options, responding to changes made by the State Legislation and other agencies.  Public Hearing Dates: Monday, April 22, 2024, 6:30 pm, and Board of County Commissioners, Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 10:00 am.


A draft of the letter from our CPO to be submitted to the County was presented.  After discussion and suggestions, the letter was approved with amendments.  Martin Meyers moved that the letter be accepted and emailed to Martha Fritzie, Principal Planner at Clackamas County to be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners.  Lance Ward seconded the motion which was approved 8-0-0.


The Special Meeting was adjourned at 7:57 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Donna Hazel

CPO Board Secretary