The CPOs are advisory to the Board of County Commissioners on land use matters affecting their communities.  CPOs are notified of proposed land use action and legislative changes within their boundaries.  They may review these applications and provide recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners.

Listed below are land use applications for the past twelve months. By clicking on the application number, you can read the entire application as submitted.   Once land use decisions are issued, you may also view a copy of the decision at this site.


Land Use Applications 2022


Approved with Conditions 

Proposal: Partition RRFF-5 zone to make 2 parcels multi dwellings (ref, Z0461-19-NCU (non-conforming use ) was approved on December 2019. Applicant; Scott Bever. Property Owner: Diamond Securities LLC  Acres: 3.28. Note; Letter from neighbor Shawn and Tammy Ruffing written on Feb 6 2022 opposes this application.



Approved with Conditions

Proposal; Wireless Facility – extend fencing and area to install emergency generator. 16’X 10’.  Applicant: Valerie Peterson Owner; Terry Emmert.      



Approved with Conditions

Proposal; Nonconforming use. Two existing dwellings are legally established. owner proposes to relocate trailer to another location within the 3 acres. Applicant; Scott and Jodi Bever. Owner; Diamond Securities LCC. 



Approved with Conditions

Renewal of level 3 home occupation to operate a drafting and machine shop for prototype products.  Applicant: Kenneth Cartwright, 



Approved with Conditions

Forest template Test Dwelling, new single family dwelling, 5.01 acres.  Applicant Randy Maresh, Owner, William Huntley.  



Approved with Conditions

Proposal: Temporary Dwelling for care, renewal. Applicants: Fred & Peggy St Andre. 



 Approved with Conditions

Add electric pedestals and electric sub-panels to nine existing tent campsites at state-owned park.  Milo McIver State Park, 24101 S Entrance Rd, Estacada, OR.



Temporary care renewal.  Applicant Clifford Morrison, owner Chris Murietta. 



River Stream Conservation Area.  Applicant & owner Michael McCarville




Temporary residence in 42’ RV for 3 people who will assist with farming and related operations on property.  Applicant and owner: Ricky Canfield. 



Temporary care dwelling.  Applicant and owners: Jerry and Dorothy Barello. 




Variance request of 30 ft. set back to be reduced to 15 ft. to accommodate detached out building.  Applicant & owner Julie Volpel. 


Land Use Applications 2021



Applicant: Greg Engelgau. Proposal; for a forest template test dwelling to build new single-family dwelling (second request. 



Approved with conditions 

Parcel No: 33E11 00901. Applied: 3/8/2021. Type: Forest - Template Test Status Pending .Address: near Spring Creek Rd. Description: Forest Land Dwelling, to establish a new single-family dwelling based on surrounding residential development. Applicant:  Randy  Maresh. ,Owner: William T Huntley 



Approved with conditions 

Applicant owner; Kristoffer Parshall. Proposal; Personal use airport.  Property size, 40 acres.



Approved with conditions 

Applied: 3/22/2021 Type: Floodplain Development.   Description: Fish habitat restoration project to reconnect an historic, perched side channel, within the floodplain and Regulatory Floodway of the Clackamas River. Applicant:  Liz Gilliam PO BOX 1869 Clackamas, OR 97015  Owner: Oregon Parks and Recreation Dept.725 Summer St NE, STE C,  Salem OR, 97301




From: Clackamas County Planning and Zoning for Redland Grange #796. Location: Redland Grange. Proposal: Historic Property to build a new structure for out building pavilion.



Proposal: Replacement dwelling due to 2020 wildfire.  On 20 acres. Included blue prints for new home.



Application: Historic Landmark Maintenance. Proposal: Historic property. New construction. The proposal will be reviewed by Design Review Committee schedule for 5/13/21.



Approved with conditions 

Application: River and Stream Conservation Area Staff Review. Proposal: Adding carport to existing shop located 30 ft top edge of Clear Creek, above creek bed. This is within 100 ft. of Stream Conservation Area of Clear Creek. Applicant: Luke Freaff. 




Application: Forest Template Test Dwelling. Proposal: Request approval for Forest Template Test Dwelling to establish a new single-family dwelling based on density of residential development and parcellation of land in the immediate surrounding area. A dwelling previously existed on this lot, but the structure no longer meets the criteria for a replacement dwelling. Property Owner: Bentley Family Trust. Applicant: Lisa Morris.  Acres: 53.5. Zoned: Timber


Z0207- 21

Approved with conditions 

Previous application ZPAC0029-20 in August 4, 2020 (home occupation and events). Applicant: Joel Anderson. Property owner: Redland Family Farm. Host events.  County notes violations of holding event, building structures without permits in 2/15/18.




Application to renew temporary care dwelling.  Mary Ellen McMulle.  Note; Doctors note provided.




Application for temporary care dwelling.  Applicant: Lois Harwood




Proposal: Renew home occupation for the sale of motorcycle parts on line. 



Proposal: Partition three lots – 3.07 acres with proposed house, and two 2 acre lots and a new home site. Total of 7.01 acres. Owner: Michael William Daugherty. 



approved with conditions 

Application: Multiple dwelling land division, two existing dwelling separated, one 2 acres and existing dwelling on 20 acres. Owner: Michael and Sherri Buel



Approved with conditions 

Proposal: Forest Template Test Dwelling. Applicant: Donald L Frasier. 




Replacement of dwelling due to 2020 Dowty Road wildfire. Applicants: Evan and Linda Waymire. 



Application withdrawn by applicant

Proposal:  Home occupation, furniture assembly and packaging for wholesale. Applicant: Tan Yang Chas.  



Approved with conditions 

Proposal; Partition –EFU 38.23 acres into 2 legal lots per measure 49. Applicant and owner: John and Dorothy Riehl.  Exclusive Farm Use



Approved with conditions 

Proposal: Partition-RA1 Zone, 2 lot partition of a 2-acre property within unincorporated Community of Redland. Currently has one house and one barn. Applicant and owner: Deborah and Takashi Fukada. Acreage: 2-acres, RA1- Rural area 1



Approved with conditions 

Proposal: County approved with conditions for the Forest Template Test Dwelling to establish a new single-family dwelling based on density of residential development.  Applicant: Kathy and Steve Wilshire via North Park University




Proposal: place photovoltaic solar on ten acres. Applicant: Bradley Solar. Property Owner: Robert Blount.